18 Sweet and Cute Love SMS Messages for Your Girlfriend

 Latest Sweet and Cute Love SMS Messages for Your Girlfriend.

 Love sms and text messages are such fantastic ways to show your girlfriend how much you love her, especially if you’re not able to be together at the moment. These 8 cute love sms and text messages are sure to show her just how much you adore her, and hopefully help reassure her that she’s never far from your thoughts!

True Love 

1. You’re my angel, my sunshine. My one true love.

And I couldn’t be more thankful to have you in my life. Thanks for coming into my life, I love you so much!

True love.

2. True love doesn’t have to be perfect. In fact, true love is imperfect—it’s real life. It might not always be easy but when it comes to your significant other, it will always be worth it.

3. The way a person loves you truly reflects who they are on a very deep level. If someone truly loves you, don’t throw away what they give you simply because things get difficult along the way. 

4. If someone has proven that they love you, than trust that. If a relationship has become problematic or arduous then work to make it better instead of giving up just because it isn’t fun anymore.

5. I want to be the star in your sky. I want to be the sun on your face.

6. I want to be the air you breathe. I want to be the star in your sky. When you feel down, I want to be the one who makes you happy. When you’re all alone, I want to be the one by your side.

7.  I want to be the sun on your face. The sun is the best expression of love. It brightens up your mood in an instant, keeps you energized and it never asks for anything in return.

8. I want to be that type of person in your life too – that’s why I really want to be the sun on your face. The one who makes you feel better about yourself even if things don’t always go your way.

9. I will show you how much I care for you.: Showing your feelings towards someone can sometimes be hard, especially when it comes to romantic relationships.

10. I want to be the air you breathe. I am nothing without you. I need you by my side every second of my life.

11. There are times when it seems that you can get through your life without anyone else. The only relationships you feel like you need to have are those of your close friends, but even they don’t really affect your life too much.

12. I have never met someone like you before. You are so special and unique that no words can describe how I feel about you.

13. My life is beautiful when I'm with you, my dear. Everything feels right when we're together.

My life is beautiful when I'm with you, my dear. Everything feels right when we're together. Nothing can tear us apart because our love is so strong, so pure, and perfect just like you.

14. It's been a while since we've met, but my heart still remembers that moment. It was something out of this world.

15. However long it's been, I want you to know that when I think about you, I always feel a million miles away. Are you as special to me as you are today? Then each day will be as good as today because of your love.

16. Wherever you go, whatever you do, remember that I will always be there for you. I will always be thinking about you.

17. I promise to always treat you with respect and kindness, as well as give you support when needed. Together we'll walk through life hand in hand!

18. Since you’ve accepted my promise, please know that I won’t always be perfect and will make mistakes. However, as long as you’re with me, I’ll try to become a better person every day.