Heart Touching Sad WhatsApp Status Quotes in English 2022 | Makes you Cry

50+ Sad Status for WhatsApp in English 2022

Heart images with sad status
Sad Status 

This Year Will Be The Year of Sad Status For.

 109.Believe in vibes, words often lie.

110.I wish I could ignore you as you did.

111.Finding true love is not difficult but maintaining it is very difficult.

112.You treated me like a Chapter but for me, you were my Book.

113.Love is not just physical, but it is about emotional,

mental, feeling, and caring.

114.People will see your success but they won’t see your struggle.

115.You can wipe out someone’s tear but not their memory.

116.I always waited for your text but you never text me.

117..I wish I could lose this memory as fast as I lost you.

118.In love, there should be no expectations and limitations.

119.Finding myself is better than finding others.

120.Talk to yourself, at least nobody will gonna shout.

121.Too much trust sometimes Kills you.

122. Sadly, The only way some people will learn to appreciate

you is by losing you.

123. Learn to close your doors for those who once left

in search of someone better than you.

124.The longer I stay online the more I realize how lonely I am.

125.If you don’t value them, How can you expect them

to keep loving you?

126.Just remember not everyone has the same heart as you.

Just remember not everyone has the same heart as you.

Things You Should Know About Sad Status For.

127. A memory is just a reminder that nothing lasts forever.

128.Sometimes your biggest efforts will be ignored

but your smallest mistake will be judged.

129.They don’t realize how big a part you play in their life

until you’re not there to play it.

130.No matter how strong you are…there’s always a person

who can make you weak.

131.If you leave without a reason

don’t come back with an excuse.

132. One of the worst things that can happen

to a person is to be forgotten by someone

they will never forget :(

133. I never felt true love until i was with you.

And i never felt true sadness until you left me :(

134. Sometimes its better to be alone because

then no one can hurt you.

135.If you’re going to make me cry,

at least be there to wipe away the tears :(

136.There is no point in crying,

the tears won’t bring you back to me.

137. I’m sad. No. I’m mad. No, wait… I don’t know

I just need a freaking hug…

138. I have Many problems in my life…

But My lips don’t know that They Always Smile :(

139.You’ll never realize the value of what you have,

until what you have is no longer yours.

140.The hardest part in life is trying to show the smile

you know is fake and to hide the tears that won’t stop.

141. Everyone says to follow your heart,

but what if your heart wants something it can never have :(

142. You made me Laugh you made me cry but

you killed me when you said goodbye :(

143. I'm leaving for our own Good, Now I am happy, how about you?

144.People cry not because they are weak,

It's because they've been strong for too long.

145. I hope you'll realize how much you're hurting me someday.

146. If you give up on me, I'm going to give up on me too.

147.Never put your happiness in someone else's hands.

148. It's never the tear that measure the PAIN,

sometimes its the SMILE we fake.

149. I always found the right one on wrong time.

150. Never give up on someone you cant spend

a day not thinking about.

151. I want you to be FREE, but i can watch

you SOAR away from me.

151.We can do no great things, only small things with great love.

152. Sometimes when I say "I am okay"

I want someone Too look me in the eyes Hug me tight and

say" I know you're not…

153.Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful.

But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering.

153. It hurts the worst when the person that made

you feel so special yesterday,

makes you feel so unwanted today.

154. I act like I don't care, but deep inside, it hurts.

The Story Of Sad Status For Has Just Gone Viral!

155.Dear heart, please stop getting involved in Everything.

Your job is just to pump blood so stick to it.

156.Everyone wants to be happy.

No one wants to be sad and get pain.

But you can’t make a rainbow without a little rain.

157.Sometimes It’s better to be alone…No one can hurt you.

158.Isn’t it sad that you are hurt so much that finally

you can say “I’m used to it”

159. 204 countries,805 Islands,7 seas,7+ Billion people and I’m single!!!

160.Time doesn't really Heal the heart. It just makes

the heart forget all the pain.

161.The most painful goodbye’s are those which were never said

and never explained. 

162.Every time I start trusting someone, they show me

why I shouldn’t.

163.They ignore you until they need you.

164.Have you ever wondered what hurts you most…

Saying something that you wished had not or not

saying anything and wish you had???